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Re: reformed Welsh Spelling - comments?

From:Ray Brown <ray.brown@...>
Date:Friday, December 5, 2003, 20:15
On Friday, December 5, 2003, at 05:19 AM, Nik Taylor wrote:

> Christian Thalmann wrote: >> Ones that would make it more readable to outsiders though. > > Except, why should that be a criterion?
Quite so. I thought orthographies were meant the people that actually spoke the language! I guess some people think little nations must make life easier for their more numerous neighbors.
> If you're going to learn Welsh, > surely you shouldn't be put off by a few strange spellings,
Yep - to my simple mind the quibbles some people seem to be making about Welsh apply equally well to, say, the Turkish use of |c| = /dZ/ and its use of dotted & undotted i, or to some of the peculiarities of Pinyin etc. I find it almost incredible that anglophones of all people are whinging about 'oddities' in a near phonemic orthography. It reminds me of saying of Jesus about the guy noticing a speck in his neighbor's eye and not the plank stuck in his own eye. Yes, Welsh orthography ain't perfect; there are one or two speaks. Bur compared with that, English doesn't just have plank, it has a whole timber yard and more! Ray =============================================== (home) (work) ===============================================