Re: CHAT: Law of ten times worse natlangs
From: | Rachel Klippenstein <estel_telcontar@...> |
Date: | Wednesday, March 5, 2003, 19:21 |
--- Andreas Johansson <andjo@...> wrote:
>...> I dunno if we ever made an official name for the law
> that says that for any
> feature you can think up for a conlang, no matter
> how freaky, there is at
> least one natlang that's already doing it, except
> ten times worse. If not, we
> should give it a shortish name for easy reference.
Could maybe call it the
"Natlang hypercreativity law" or
"Natlang superinventivity law" or
"Natlang boundless quirkiness law"... I like that one.
Abbreviation: NBQL
And should there be a corollary saying "If you've
managed to violate NBQL, there are at least 10 other
conlangers who have got there first" - the
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