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Sample text in Hrondu

From:Patrick Dunn <tb0pwd1@...>
Date:Sunday, January 28, 2001, 18:52
This is the story of Buddhism's arrival iin Galaehrecapa (the Great City,

Budda we Caa ya Galaehrecapa ni

Suuba we saa ya sz we nara ni krga lpa sz igaa Nasu duaa.
farm GEN man SUBJ he GEN field LOC work.PST and he TOPIC Nasu be.
A farmer, named Nasu, was working in his field.

Sz igaa troga troo saga saa tu.
He TOPIC hot.PST hot dry.PST dry and
He was exceedingly hot and exceedingly thirsty.

sz igaa maa e raga:
he TOPIC this OBJ say.PST:
He said:

Li ya troo troo saa saa tu lpa li ya masi e gupasii.
I SUBJ hot hot dry dry and and I SUBJ water OBJ NOT.have
I am so hot and thirsty, and I don't have water.

Tenwa he tamina ya wasoo vr masi e masinazou.
sky VOC you SUBJ I INDOBJ water OBJ please.give.COND
O sky, please give me water!

lpa Tenwa igaa maa e raga:
and sky TOPIC this OBJ say.PST
And the sky said:

gapuzosa.  Li igaa saa saa.
not.give.FUT.  I TOPIC dry dry.
No.  I am very thirsty.

Lpa li ya masi ye gapusiyaa
and I SUBJ water TOPIC not.want
But it is not water that I want.

Li igaa tenwa duaa lpa li igaa cokaa.
I TOPIC sky am and I TOPIC suffer.
I'm the sky, and still I suffer.

Saa ya li vr tuuwa e zou lpa li ya saa vr masi e zosa.
man SUBJ I INDOBJ peace OBJ give.COND and I SUBJ man INDOBJ water OBJ
If a man gives me peace, I will give men water.

gaesaa ya nara ni cuga.  Tuu igaa nrzaga nrzaa.
Woman SUBJ field LOC walk.PST.  She TOPIC strange.PST strange.
A woman walked into the field.  She was a stranger.

Tamina wo sasaa nageiladdu ni craa lpa taminandu ya saa.
you    GEN people deep.pool LOC stand and you SUBJ dry.
Your people stand near a deep pool, yet you thirst.

Tuu ya waa maa tu e raga.
she SUBJ this this and OBJ say.PST
She said.

Wasoo ya taminandu vr ca e zosa.
I SUBJ you INDOBJ comfort OBJ give.FUT.
I will give you comfort.

Budda we caa e wasoo ya zosa.
Buddha GEN road OBJ I SUBJ give.FUT
I will give you the Buddha's way.

Lpa tenwa igaa masi e sugiga.
And sky TOPIC water OBJ CAU.fall.PST
And the sky rained.

                Living your life is a task so difficult,
                it has never been attempted before.