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Re: booze words

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Thursday, May 8, 2008, 19:34
>John Harper <wycoval@...> wrote:
>I'm curious as to the etymology of mhoina/mhoinos. This is very >close to the generic word for alcoholic beverages in several >Southern West Atlantic languages such as Kisi (mÉ"É›-aÅ‹) and >Sherbro (ma-mÉ"É›).
A large part of the Senjecan vocabulary I have taken from Pokorny's "Indo-germanisches Wörterbuch." Under the first *wei- root (turn, twist, bend) he gives "woinâ, Wein." He may not be right. The American Heritage Dictionary gives the following: [Vînum. Wine. Latin noun, related to oinos, wine. Probably from a Mediterranean word *woin- meaning "wine." Latin derivatives: vinaceous, vine, vini-; vinegar, wine. Greek derivatives: oenology, oenomel.] "Oinos" originally began with the Greek digamma, /w/, that was later dropped from the language. The AHD notwithstanding, Pokorny's etymology has suited my conlang better. Senjecas purports to be a pre-PIE language. The sound represented by "mh" is /m_0/. As languages began to develop from Senjecas, /m_0/
> /w/.