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Re: Workshops Review from Yitzik the Snakie

From:Eamon Graham <robertg@...>
Date:Thursday, December 19, 2002, 17:40
Jan van Steenbergen wrote:

> But listen, not all subgroups are silly or ridiculous. Especially > Romanceconlang and Celticonlang are well-functioning groups and valuable > sources of information.
I agree; in fact, Celticonlang and Romanceconlang were the first groups I joined a couple years ago. East Asian Conlangs is small (18-19 people), but I've received a lot of help from the people there, some of whom are not on CONLANG. As far as trafic is concerned, some people's messages fall through the cracks, so to speak, and it sometimes helps to discuss on the smaller groups. But, in the end, I truly feel that nothing will ever replace CONLANG, and no matter how many specialised groups we have, this will always be home base. I know we all appreicate this forum, the people on it and our intrepid list manager. :) Cheers, Eamon