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Re: Workshops Review from Yitzik the Snakie

From:Daniel Andreasson Vpc-Work <daniel.andreasson@...>
Date:Thursday, December 19, 2002, 14:01
Jan wrote:

> Sure, a group needs a certain mininum number of (active) people to become > viable. A Finno-Lappic (UraliConlang?) group would attract perhaps three of > four active conlangers and a few other interested people, but that would be > far > from enough. It would be doomed to be eternally dormant. > Really, I don't see any reason why the whole world suddenly has to be > subdivided into regional conlang groups. Nothing should prevent you from > posting about Seimi to Conlang (which I would welcome, anyway).
Yes, exactly. I wasn't entirely serious with my FinnoLappiconlang group. This sudden need to split the Conlang-L into subgroups confuses me too. Perhaps I should have said that right out instead of suggesting yet another ridiculous group which probably only would attract me and Matt with his Vyääh. :) And I promise that if I do any more work on Seimi, I will certainly post it here and nowhere else. :) Daniel Andreasson -- Daeselaidh goddi mis giall! Lwodadh giall!


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>