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Re: grumbles

From:BP Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Thursday, April 20, 2000, 9:29
At 13:33 19.4.2000 -0500, Patrick Dunn wrote:

>What is it about finding grammars for *cool* languages online? Just can't >dig them up. Now I'm looking for Hawai'ian and can't find anything but >vocabulary words.
'Tis call'd the Dictate of Usefulness, i.e. Financial Exploitability, which is what most people mean with "useful". While we're at it: does anyone know an easy-to-come-by description of a typicallly polysynthetic language, as per the "languages without arguments" thread. /BP (once called "The Seeker of Useless Knowledge", but I got so many mails with daft trivia mistaken for Useless Knowledge that I had to drop that handle...) /BP B.Philip Jonsson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~__ Anant' avanaute quettalmar! \ \ __ ____ ____ _____________ ___ __ __ __ / / \ \/___ \\__ \ /___ _____/\ \\__ \\ \ \ \\ \ / / / / / / / \ / /Melroch\ \_/ // / / // / / / / /___/ /_ / /\ \ / /Melarocco\_ // /__/ // /__/ / /_________//_/ \_\/ /Eowine__ / / \___/\_\\___/\_\ I neer Pityancalimeo\ \_____/ /ar/ /_atar Mercasso naan ~~~~~~~~~Cuinondil~~~\_______/~~~\__/~~~Noolendur~~~~~~ || Lenda lenda pellalenda pellatellenda cuivie aiya! || "A coincidence, as we say in Middle-Earth" (JRR Tolkien)