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Re: Representing tones in X-Sampa; Khmer phonemes (for Tim May)

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Monday, January 26, 2004, 19:01
Quoting Pavel Iosad <edricson@...>:

> Hello, > > > ObTangent: Anyone know of a lang using either of the > > diphthongs [ai\] and [a2]? > > North Welsh has something along the lines of the former (assuming you > mean [i\] = [1]).
Indeed. [i\] for high central unrounded is good CXS!
> The diakects that preserve the u ~ i distinction ('u' > is something I'm not sure the IPA of, but might be a mix between [I] and > [}]) also preserve it in the diphthongs, thus _tau_ 'yours' contrasts > with _tai_ 'houses' in the north but not in the south.
Cool. Andreas