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Re: OT: Prayer, ritual and magic // was conlang website

From:Adrian Morgan <morg0072@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 18, 2000, 3:54
Nik Taylor wrote:

> It seems to me to be the most reasonable interpretation, given that > Jesus contrasted, not paradise with suffering (generally speaking) but > life with death, salvation with destruction. I don't see any strong > reason to believe that souls are inherently eternal.
Cutting and pasting from my website some quotes from Barclay's "The Plain Man Looks at the Apostle's Creed. The Biblical passage referred to is the passage about the sheep and the goats. The word for punishment is KOLASIS. This word was originally a gardening word, and its original meaning was pruning trees. In Greek there are two words for punishment, TIMoRIA and KOLASIS, and there is quite a definite distinction between them. The difference is quite clear in Greek and it is always observed. TIMoRIA is retributive punishment; KOLASIS is remedial discipline. KOLASIS is always given to amend and to cure. The word AIoNIOS [eternal] is difficult to translate. It is used in the Old Testament ot describe Israel's possession of the holy land (Genesis 17:8, 48:4); Aaron's priesthood (Numbers 25:13), great mountains and hills (Habakkuk 3:6). In all the cases we have quoted AIoNIOS means lasting for a very long time; it can even mean lasting for as long as the present world lasts. The Greek use of AIoNIOS is even more suggestive. Plato in the Laws (10:12) says that body and soul are indestructable (ANoLETBRON), but they are not eternal (AIoNIOS) like the gods. The fact is that in Greek AIoNIOS can properly describe that which is divine; in the true sense of the term only God is AIoNIOS. AIoNIOS KOLASIS is therefore the disciplinary punishment, designed for the cure of men, which may last throughout many ages, and which only God can give. (btw, lower case 'o' means 'o' with diacritic) -- web. | Here and there I like to preserve a few islands of sanity | within the vast sea of absurdity which is my mind. member/ | After all, you can't survive as an eight foot tall dragon | flesh eating dragon if you've got no concept of reality.