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Re: lexicons

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Thursday, April 1, 1999, 2:33
Nicole, you can do it the hard way, which is what I did in my salad days as
a youthful conlanger:
I just got hold of a basic dictionary--what was that awful thing we used in
Grammar School
that left out all the bad words?  I got a blank book and I copied down the
words I thought
were the most important.  It went faster than you think, especially if
you're compulsive.
The getting the words down is not the difficult thing.  The difficult thing
is making up CONLANG
words for the English words.  That was, and is still, far more laborious.

Sally Caves

nicole wrote:

> Since I'm only working on my first conlang, I really have no experience > on which words to include in my lexicon (which words are most common, > most "important," etc.). Are there any word lists online of common > English words? The categories from Lingua Ignota were helpful, but > specific words would be more so. Thanks. > -Nicole