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Re: Kjaginic: 8 points of articulation

From:ROGER MILLS <rfmilly@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 19:45
Herman Miller wrote:
>Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:20:39 -0400 > >
That's very elegant. Your later text sample looked vague Hebraic to me.
> >I still need to figure out how the possible points of articulation can be >assigned to these shapes. There could be some flexibility depending on >language, but one possibility would be something like this: > >column 1: bilabial, labiodental >column 2: dental >column 3: alveolar >column 4: post-alveolar, retroflex >column 5: palatal >column 6: velar >column 7: uvular, pharyngeal >column 8: epiglottal, glottal
IIRC Tamil (or at least some Dravidian lang.) has all of 1 thru 6 at least. I'm reasonably sure that with a Distinctive Feature matrix you could cover most if not all of these. I'd like to try, but my Gen.Phon. is getting a little rusty (and out-dated). Some feature(s) might have to be a bit ad-hoc (neither Chomskian nor Jakobson-Halle) but that's permitted :-)) For ex. I introduced "retroflexed" in Gwr, to distinguish /l/ and /r/-- there are other ways, but that worked best in Gwr phonology. At least one of the tenets of J-H is that certain contrasts at the same POA have not been observed in _human_ languages (so yours could differ), e.g. no language contrasts bilabial [phi] vs. labiodental [f] --but one of my Indonesian favorites does have /B/ vs. /w/-- the main way around that is to distinguish them by major class features ([+C -V] for /B/ vs. [-C -V] for /w/; note that resonants (nasals and liquids, which can be syllabic) are [+C +V]; another would be to say /B/ = underlying //v//, with bilabiality specified by redundancy, or by a late phonetic rule; yet another (Chomsky IIRC) is to introduce the major class feature [+Obstruent] for the "true consonants", leaving glottals et al. as [-Obs]. IIRC /b/ and /f/ usually share all major features, except /f/ of course is [-stop] with labiodentality (and perhaps [+strident]), assigned by redundancy rule. Velars and uvulars generally share all features, esp. [+back], but are distinguished by [+high] (body of the tongue is raised) for velars, while uvulars are [-high]. Don't know about pharyngeals-- that might involve "retracted [tongue root]" ??? (Probably telling you things you already know :-))) )