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g0miileg0, v3rzjen 1.3, fraekt0 1 [GomiLego, Version 1.3, Part 1]

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Friday, August 22, 2003, 14:23
... for your bewilderment/a-muse-tainment... ta-da!...

g0miileg0, v3rzjen 1.3, fraekt0 1 [GomiLego, Version 1.3, Part 1]

_g0miileg0_ /g@U.mi:leg@U/ -=- [beautiful-]junk-language -=-

                _muIltiigløssaa Nii0-Dzjii0-Fjuutsj3r0-izm0 krii0 mes0leg0kit_

                (a polyglot, "Neo-Geo-Futurist" creole mesolect)

    _g0mii_  - from Japanese "gomi" - has a higher aesthetic (and

paracultural) value than mere _dzjaangk_ /dZA:nk/ "junk [trash]"

or _kaakaa_ /ka:ka:/ "[unrecyclable] shit/caca" - & -

distantly relateable with PIE * kom-, Latin _com_ , _co-_ & PIE

*gel-, Latin _glomus_, _glomer-_("ball") Latin _globus_

    _leg0_ - from Greek "lego" ("logos") and the Danish modular construction


 _s0n0leg0set_ - sound language system ("phonology") -

& _graffiileg0set_ - write language system  ("orthography")

    g0miileg0's semi-phonemic/semi-"deviant" orthography is loosely based on
aspects of the IPA/X-SAMPA, "spelling reformed" Dutch, Japanese_Romaji_ and,
of course, aesthetics influenced by Italian and Russian Futurism; Dadaism;
Dutch and Russian Constructivism; Punk; CyberPunk science-fiction and
"CyberGrunge" typography.


    Orthography - when it differs from ASCII-IPA (X-SAMPA) -

it is in [ ].

plosives        p, b        t, d                        k, g

nasals              m---F [m]  n                             N  [ ng ]



fricatives      f, v            s, z        S, Z  [ sj,  zj ]           h ,
_h  [ h ]


approximants                              r\ [ r ]   j

lateral approximant         l [ l ]---------------------L  [ Il ]

glides          w-----------------------------------------w

        The glide, semi-vowel /w/ is a labiodental-velar approximant

affricates                                  tS, dZ  [ tsj, dzj ]

    NOTE: Like in Dutch "turbolanguage", anything that sounds like

[ks] in word-final position is written _x_, like for example _haelix_ "helix",

_ziirox_ "xerox" (a copy), _Djuublex_ "Dublex" (a conlang). Otherwise

(initial and medial), "zz", i.e. _aezzperim'nt0_ "experiment/experimental";

_aezzistii_ "exist/existence"; _Aezzodo_ "Exodus"

/l/, /r\/, /j/, /h/and /w/ are semi-vowels...

to some extent - especially syllable/word-final,

/m/--/F/, /n/ and /N/ can also be "semi-vowels"

some combined sounds:

                    /hw/  [ hw ]

                    /kw/ [ kw ]

                    /b_h/ [ bh ]

                    /d_h/ [ dh ]

                    /g_h/ [ gh ]

                    /k_h/   [ kh ]

                    /k_hd_h/ [ khdh ]

                    /sk/    [ sk ]

                    /skr\/      [ skr ]

                    /sl/    [ sl ]

                    /sr\/   [ sr ]

                    /t_h/   [ th ]

                    /vr\/   [vr ]


        * phonotactics:

    syllables _usually_ have a (C1)(S)V(V)(S)(C2)

            C1 - any consonant or semi-consonant

            C2 - nasal, fricative or liquid

            S - semi-vowel or liquid

            V - vowel or diphthong

    or a (C)(S)V(V)(S)(C) phonotactical structure

            C - any consonant or semi-consonant

            S - semi-vowel or liquid

            V - vowel or diphthong

consonant clusters:  epenthentic schwa (indeterminate central "short" vowel)

or aspiration (i.e. /k_hd_h/ [khdh]) can be inserted to break up

consonant  clusters "difficult" for some speakers not used to a

language with "strong" consonant clusters, i.e. Hiberno-Irish

"fillim" or "filhm" for _film_, or, amongst Dutch

speakers, [fIlYm] in Rotterdam or [fIL@m] in Amsterdam. Some

pronunciations of _stop_ is "s'top" /s_htAp/and in rural, basilect

Tok Pisin /s@ta:p/spelled locally as "satap."


asymetrical 10 vowel system:

 i: [ ii ]                       u:  [ uu ]

     I [ i ]                 U  [ u ]


            @  [ ' ]

    & [ ae ]

a: [ aa ]                    A:  [ a ]   Q [ o ]



                            |------with [O] and [V] as free variation

    Vowel phonemes can have tense allophones in open syllables

(with or without off-glides) - lax allophones in closed syllables.

    Vowels followed by a nasal [m, n, ng] can be nasalized.

    * 6 short vowels

i  /I/  as in "blip", "bit", "chip"

e  /e/ (before consonants) as in "dem", "ten","zen", "pen"

ae /&/ as in "cat", "tan", "bat", "pan"

    North American English /&/ is essentially [E_A], that is [E] with advanced

    tongue root.

 o   /Q/ as in "hot", "Glock," "dog", "gods", "bomb," "pod"

    _-glom-_, "bonk", (French) _bon_

u /U/ as in "put", "books," "to","full","good"

 '   /@/ schwa - indeterminate, neutral central vowel:

    -   as in the "a" in _Cuba_ /kju:b@/
    - or -  unvoiced schwa /@_0/ {"a cool sound by the way ;)"} often called
a "murmured vowel", and that's exactly the effect. When you murmur, you
naturally pronounce unvoiced vowels. Just murmur a schwa and you have it (and it
indeed sounds very much like /h/)
    - or, allophonically -   the short /a/ of North Indian languages (i.e.
the first vowel in _Punjabi_) -or- even the aspirated "a"s  in  the
African-American "Ebonic" Vernacular _supa killa rappa_ ("super killer rapper")

    * 3 long vowels

aa /a:/ as in "dada", "nada", "caca"

ii /i:/ as the vowels in "green," "beep", "be", "seat",

    the i in "machine", "spaghetti", "graffiti"

uu /u:/ as in "goo", "ooze", "fool", "rule", and the double o in "googol"

    * 1 "ultra-long vowel/semi-diphthong" (allophonic vowel)

a /A:/ with [O] and [V] as free variation allophones

    * 7 diiftong/7 diphthongs

/aI/    [ ij ]

/aU/    [ au ]

/@U/ [ 0 ]  as in _ziir0_ "zero" /zi:r@U/,_g0_, _bushiid0_,  _da0_ , _0m_

/eI/    [ ei ] as in "bastard" pronunciations of _fortei_ "forte", _kaefei_

"cafe",                 _aenimei_ "anime", & in _aelfazeita_

/ju:/   [ juu ]

/oI/    [ oi ]

/wi:/   [ wii ]

    * R-kol3r sjiva/rhotic schwa

/3:r\/    [ 3r ]

    should not be non-rhotic, i.e. the "a"s  in the African-American "Ebonic"

        vernacular _supa killa rappa_ ("super killer rapper")

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Metronomic, quasi-Japanese style of pronounciation that gives nearly equal

loudness and duration to every syllable - the loudness and duration of

syllables can be more or less uniform, with increases being used only

occasionally to signal special emphasis of a concept or loud creaky voicing

to emphasize a command.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ! bon kaakaa p3r juu!

    /bQn  ka:.ka:  p3:r\ ju:/

    good shit to you

    "Good shit to you."

    This greeting is a take on the popular phrase "Shit Happens!":

    ! kaakaa saempaa 0kor0!

    /ka:.ka: s& @U.kor\@U/

   shit NONP happen[s]/happening

    ^- NONP = NONPunctual aspect ... indicates a durative, habitual, or

iterative aspect and is indifferent to the nonpast-past distinction.

     _Saempa_ evolved from _semper_/_sempre_, "always".

    -! oteIl0 luud0 loIl!

    (Othello [a game] play fun!)

    = S0n0 Ram. Ram S0n0. =

    (Sound {is} God-Reality. God-Reality {is} Sound.)

    [_Ram_ /rA:m/ is the Sanskrit word

    for the infinite, formless form of the God-Reality,

    the aspect worshipped by the god Hanuman.
    "By repeating the name RAM,
    the impossible becomes possible."
    - Neem Karoli Baba]

    leg0set saempaa mjuutaazii

    /le.g@U.set  s&  mju:ta:.zi:/

    language always change

    Lanuage is always changing.

    leg0-mjuutaazii n0 rat...

    /leg@U.mju:ta:.zi:  n@U  r\A:t/

    language-change no rot

    Language change is not decay.

    plij leg0 finiz vak gom - taadaa - dem gom fazen mjuutaa-mjuutaazii...

    /plaI  le.g@U  fin.iz  vA:k  gom  ta:.da:  dem  gom  fA:.zen


    PLU language PAST talk together then them together FUT change-change

    Languages spoken together change one another.

    = ! gw3rraa leg0set kaakaa! ! riis3rvaa, saaIlvaa, riikuu, sk0paa-g0mii

riizijkl0! =

    (Fight Linguistic Waste! Save, Salvage, Recover, Scavenge and Recycle!)

    _leg0set baagaa_ "language-system book/bag/song" is a lexicon or

>>To have another language is to possess a second soul.
>>-- Charlemagne
en g0miileg0: = haavaa num3r duo leg0kit... taadaa : haavaa num3r duo breinii. = have number two language, ta-da, have number two brainie. "One mind plus one mind equals a Third Mind." - William S. Burroughs = 0n0 mentaa plaz 0n0 mentaa... taadaa : Num3r Trii0 Mentaa. = = diff3rrenzii ent3raa kaak0 aen mjuuzikaa semii-tem paen en juu kaepii. = (Difference between noise and music semi-time all in you head) {Sometimes the difference between noise and music is all in your head} _sono-naadaa_ ("sono" - Greco for "sound"/"nada" Sanskrit for "sound") almost sounds like "sonata" - a "free" improvisational raga-like form based on chaos created by human interaction with AI-augmented music technology - ? juu nii0 kogn0 g0miileg0, laa? (You now know/think GomiLego, eh?) - ! ij-ij! mii nii0 vak g0miileg0 megaa bon. ? kogn0? nae non-bon. (Aye-aye!, me now speak GomiLego very good. Know/think? No non-good.) - ! g0miileg0 n0 bruut0 leg0set! (Gomilego is not an ugly language) - ! ! ij-ij --- mii megaa-tem radzj'r dhaat!! (Aye-Aye, me big-time rodger that!) - ? tekaa haavaa juu d0m-viidaa ... laa? (Building have you home-life, eh?) - mii kaamaa mii finiz tem-njuumii biz pod en saabii g0daun en Varanasi. (Me desire me PsT time-money have pod in beautiful-old godown in Varanasi.) {I wish I had rented a room in an old, beautiful warehouse in Varanasi.} _haavaa_ is inalienable possession - possession of your body, personal belongings, your soul, etc. _biz_ is alienable possession - possession of goods, things you stole, property, etc. (_biznizz_ "business", _biz-izm0_ "capitalism") = plij zen0-dzjen, sijb3r-mekkaan0, aen p0sii-dzjen gom haavaa 0n0 m0n0 - dem kreazii plij biiz'rraa leg0set k0nexii. = --- Jasia Reichardt PLU xeno-gen, cyber-machine, and poetry-gen together have one thing - they/people create PLU bizarre language-system connexion. --- Jasia Reichardt "One thing foreigners, computers, and poets have in common is that they make unexpected linguistic associations." --- Jasia Reichardt ¡ mordaa en djuu, aertiileg0 skam ! /mor\.da: en dju: ar\.ti:leg@o skVm/ literally: "Death to you, artlang scum!" - plij h0mii-noid aezzii plij zoid, s0, aen oz paen viidaa en dzjiiaa... oz paen plij dzjiiaa-dzjen. Human-noids [are] animals, too, and we all live in/on [Gaia+geo]. We all gia-gen [earthlings]. Hanuman Zhang, MangaLanger Language[s] change[s]: vowels shift, phonologies crash-&-burn, grammars leak, morpho-syntactics implode, lexico-semantics mutate, lexicons explode, orthographies reform, typographies blip-&-beep, slang flashes, stylistics warp... linguistic (R)evolutions mark each-&-every quantum leap... "Some Languages Are Crushed to Powder but Rise Again as New Ones" - title of a chapter on pidgins and creoles, John McWhorter, _The Power of Babel: A Natural History of Language_ = ! gw3rraa leg0set kaakaa! ! riis3rvaa, saaIlvaa, riikuu, sk0paa-g0mii aen riizijkl0! = (Fight Linguistic Waste! Save, Salvage, Recover, Scavenge and Recycle!)