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Re: What would this mood be called?

From:Clint Jackson Baker <litrex1@...>
Date:Monday, March 4, 2002, 16:13
I don't know; "equivocative" has a nice Latin sound to


--- Bob Greenwade <bob.greenwade@...> wrote:
> I'm thinking to add to Rav Zarruvo a verb mood > whose general sense is, > "Well, I thought so but now I'm not so sure." It's > the sort of thing that > could be used after discovering that the man you > were about to accuse as a > sniper has Parkinson's disease, or that your stomach > wasn't ready for solid > food after all. I have no idea what to call this, > though. > > --- > Bob's Original Hero Stuff Page! [Circle of HEROS > member] > >
> Music from Bob's Computer! (CD now available!) > > Want more hits to your web page? > >
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