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Re: Asha'ille is Albanian?

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Sunday, April 27, 2003, 4:28
On Fri, 25 Apr 2003 21:44:41 -0700, Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...>

>I was reading alt.languages.artificial on Usenet and deciphered a post that >read very much like Spanish. I believed it to be written in Italian, but I >wasn't sure. I googled for a "language identifier" and went to the >suggested I typed >in the following in Asha'ille: > > Shavkordhi aet ne dasharid e'kath asha'ille. > ("Stranger, you can't speak the language of Asha'ille.") > >And it kindly told me that the language was Albanian. So I replied:
I guess as soon as it sees a "dh" it figures it must be Albanian. A while back I tried a program like this on a sample of Olaetian, and it also guessed it was Albanian.


David Starner <dvdeug@...>