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Re: Asha'ille is Albanian?

From:Robert B Wilson <han_solo55@...>
Date:Sunday, April 27, 2003, 3:04
On Sat, 26 Apr 2003 11:40:01 -0700 Stone Gordonssen
<stonegordonssen@...> writes:
> >wasn't sure. I googled for a "language identifier" and went to the > >suggested > I typed > >in the following in Asha'ille: > > Shavkordhi aet ne dasharid e'kath asha'ille. > > ("Stranger, you can't speak the language of Asha'ille.") > >And it kindly told me that the language was Albanian. So I > replied: > > Like all such programs (even AI/expert ones), solutions to questions > are > only as good as the code & options we humans, who program them all, > can > perceive. > > E.g. This one identified my Bez Dis's conlang as Polish.
hmm... i'll have to try this with kinsi rorotan next time i get on the web. Robert Wilson p.s. does anyone have a copy of my sig from my last post? it's on my computer, but i'd like to use it for my e-mail while i'm still fixing my computer (i just finished deleting all the files that were infected with the W32.Ganda.A@mm virus... apparently juno let the script in the message it came in run the attachment and then delete the message - quite alarming since i have it set not to run scripts in messages...), so i'd appreciate it if someone could send it to me off-list.