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Re: Norreyna again (long-ish)

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Thursday, March 22, 2001, 6:27
Aidan Grey wrote:
> If I have the root SIW, which indicates the idea of >following, how do you derive the noun meaning >'travois'? I want to avoid Tolkien's method (using the >same suffixes over and over so that all the nouns end >in -wa, for example). How about verbs? Adjectives?>
That's a problem in my Kash, too, which has only two affixes to derive nouns from verbs 1. thing that (verbs/is verbed) 2. person who (verbs). It leads to a lot of compounding and circumlocutions. I've had to invent a number of no-longer productive processes for occasional use. You could devise a fairly rich system of derivations: 1. thing that verbs 2. thing that is verbed 3/4 person who verbs/is verbed 5. place where... 6 act of verbing 7 act of being verbed 8 abstract idea of verb etc etc. My idea of a travois is not so much somthing that follows, as something that is dragged along behind an aminal or person. Presumably in a nomadic culture, it's a fairly important piece of equipment, so you could create a "proto-compound" based on "drag" maybe, perhaps "carry" too, then subject it to sound changes so that the modern term is no longer recognizable as a compound.