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Re: Syntaxy-Turvy (long, crazy)

From:Vasiliy Chernov <bc_@...>
Date:Thursday, June 29, 2000, 14:43
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 11:05:34 -0600, Brad Coon <bcoon@...> wrote:

>Vasiliy Chernov wrote: >> All-Verbs? Can you give any reference? I overlooked it somehow... > >While there are other examples, my own Nova is more or less >all-verb. The reason being that while I call some things nouns, >verbs, statives, they are all seen as events of varying duration. >If the event lasts long enough, it is a noun, an intermediate >time, it is a stative, a brief time, a verb. "House" is a noun, >"cloud" is a stative, "cough" is a verb, but all are inflected for >aspect. For example, one need not say "a house is being built" >rather, "house+inceptive aspect". - correct? I'll check it, thanks! On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 16:23:24 -0500, Patrick Dunn <tb0pwd1@...> wrote:
> >I made an all-verb. Hated it though; finally threw it away.
And I toyed with something similar a few years ago, too. And understood that it is very difficult to come to anything consistent. This is why I was interested in examples of elaborated all-verb conlangs! On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 11:02:18 +0200, Christophe Grandsire <Christophe.Grandsire@...> wrote:
>Loglan/Lojban could be very well considered as an All-Verb language too
>I understood correctly the philosophy of the language). And there's also
>Notya, even if I like to see it more like a Neither-Verb-Nor-Noun
>with only one part-of-speech (really, only one, not even particles :) ).
No, these two are both fascinating but aren't what I meant. They allow for completely different alternative interpretations! Basilius