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Re: Syntaxy-Turvy (long, crazy)

Date:Thursday, June 29, 2000, 16:27
Basilius wrote :
>You will notice that in an action-chain, where A performs action 1 on B,
and B
>performs action 2 on C, and C performs action 3 on D, who then performs
>4, it's not *inherently* more difficult to phrase it as: > >(A 1) (1 B 2) (2 C 3) (3 D 4) --- the Taxy way -- > >than to phrase it as: > >(A 1 B) (B 2 C) (C 3 D) (D 4) -- the English way.
This looks correct. But: it seems that you define parts of speech as syntactic classes, which leads to a question more difficult for me: what are 'nouns', 'verbs', etc. from a purely syntactic point of view? I feel that you invented a totally original system, but I'm trying to understand what exactly is 'inverted' in it, as compared to e. g. English. (And I think you'll still need more diverse markers for what is attributed to 'lexemic verbs' compared to 'lexemic nouns'.) ----------------------- i think i understand what Ed is doing. rabitting on a previous post, i think that Ed is doing what some genial guys are doing over here. "verbs" and "nouns" are rather called here "behaviour" and "entity". an entity "behaves" a certain way either in an énoncé or inherently. entity+behaviour = énoncé. whether the behaviour is expressed with syntactic verb, noun, adjective, or even a coma, an -s, or whatever dynamic, transitive doobedoo etc. is of no importance. for instance, "eye" is a noun and rather an entity at first sight, but in "i can't believe my eyes", eyes refer to a behaviour-- they are taken as an agent of "to see". it has nothing to do with syntax. "eyes" is no "symbol" but an entity with an inherent behaviour when set in this peculiar énoncé. in other word, it's a preset possible actor of a number of behaviours so these behaviours are inherent to it. Ed is making an ultimate logical mapping where he defines a behaviour ("verb") through its possible actors ("nouns"). the "verb" is just a tag qualifying the pattern of the behaviour of these actors. that's what all-noun langs try to achieve. for instance, if you take the verbs "to express", "to tell", "to warn", "to say", etc. these verbs will be the different possible patterns of a network of links between the preset actors of "communication". "to tell" directs first on the "addressee" actor while "to say" directs first on the "message" actor and "to warn" refers to a field of cognition with actors of "danger", "threat", etc. for "communication" you may have a list of set actors such as : the message the messenger the addressee the understander the language the medium the meaning the purpose the topic etc. example: "i tell you he's a dork" pattern:tell messenger:me message:"he's a dork" meaning:"he's a dork"? topic:he medium:voice? addressee:you understander:you? etc. the head of the french team of the university of paris 7 who was doing this kind of "reversion" to make computers talk told me that they stopped doing that because they realized that in each énoncé, the behaviour of an entity is also an entity whose behaviour is precisely that entity. i mean, in "blue eyes" blue is a behaviour of "eyes" through the pattern "colour", but "eye" is also a behaviour of "blue" because "blue" is a different entity when paired with "eye". like in "red wine" wine is not red. so this guy told me that if you try define all actors of all verbs you end up "writing up again the dictionary". in other words, when you all-noun your lang, you all-verbize it too at the same time ! ;-) maybe that's what Christophe felt with Notya. because i believe that you "feel" that stuff and you can't really explain it. although i tried once again. sorry, Ed, Basilius and Christophe. mathias