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Re: CHAT: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

From:Matt Pearson <jmpearson@...>
Date:Monday, April 17, 2000, 16:55
>On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, Irina Rempt wrote: > >>On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, Sally Caves wrote: >> >>> How many of you conlangers are going to do this, really? >> >>I'm not; it's too twentieth-century political, too culture-bound, and >>I don't want to take the risk of it changing Valydan beyond >>recognition and repair. Same as I don't translate from the Bible on >>principle (well, I did "let there be light" but the explanation was >>easily ten times as long as the phrase). > >I agree here. There's no cultural or political basis for it to make >any sense in Talarian. What would "human rights" mean when you're one >out of a number of races?
Same problem for the Tokana. Concepts such as "human rights" and "equality" are extremely Western, and would be rather foreign to the Tokana, who have a small-scale kinship-based social structure with government (if you could call it that) based on consent, and a power hierarchy based on prestige. Matt.