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Re: Googling

From:Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Date:Saturday, June 9, 2001, 15:23
From: "Tristan Alexander McLeay" <zsau@...>
> > > Google also already had a meaning. It's a number, equal to 10^100 > > >(that's ten to the hundredth power). > > > > Isn't that spelt "googol"? It's in Swedish, at any rate. > > Yes, tis. The guy who named it did so after some word his daughter said > (presumably 'googol'), I believe.
His nephew, I think it was.
> > PS According to my (more or less serious) theory, Google is a > > contraction of > > "go ogle" ... > > I read somewhere that 'google' comes from 'googol' - the engine should
> up with googols of hits - and was respelt to make it look English. I'm
> it was at their website, but I can't seem to find it again.
It's here: *Muke!