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Re: New and Improved Script....

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Thursday, March 16, 2000, 23:08
In a message dated 3/16/2000 5:52:28 AM Eastern Standard Time,
Barry_Garcia@MONTEREY.EDU writes:

<< Well, not quite. Actually I have just a new style for the Saalangal script
 (Ranaka), which was inspired by the lettering style I had seen on a
 picture of a sign from Thailand. It's easily written with your basic
 calligraphic pen, which makes it a calligraphic style. It's a little rough
 on some edges  but it's still pretty nice.I hope you find it pleasing. >>
That's VERY nice.  I can see it used in packaging, newspaper mastheads, wild
garish billboards for Indian movies....  When you mentioned Thai, I was
curious to see how closely it might resemble my Kash script, which is based
on Thai (conventional print, not billboard style) as much as on anything.
But there is hardly any resemblance.  Curiously, when  Kash is written with a
broad-tipped pen, it looks quite like Hebrew !
Sorry, no neat website yet; maybe later this summer.  If anyone would like to
see Kash script, let me know and I can send it as an attachment. Roger