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Our lost first conlang (was: Is conlang a gen...)

From:Carlos Thompson <cthompso@...>
Date:Friday, October 9, 1998, 4:10
De: Pharamond Curtis <shmeos@...>
Fecha: Jueves 8 de Octubre de 1998 20:01

>(Incidentally, IIRC, the language basically replaced English words with >new words, but I did have adjectives follow nouns, as in Spanish. Oh, >and the few words I translated would be priceless to me now, if only I >could find them.)
It seems to happent to many of us... those first attempts to conlang, in the pre-Internet era, are at some degree lost. Nik with Tarni'f, myself with Rithen... or Joe Mondello, and Herman Miller with their undocumented old works. I wonder how common has been to us, those first attemps, how valuable are them for ourselves, are we dissapointed, are they our most beloved childs, are they lost or put in a pedestal ??? -- Carlos Th