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Our lost first conlang

From:/Joe Mondello <rugpretzel@...>
Date:Friday, October 9, 1998, 4:54
>are they our most beloved childs, >are they lost or put in a pedestal ???
after a few days study i partially recuped my comprehension of my first language, stelothe, specifically based on translation of one passage, which was a musing on race and class in America based on my observation of a football game between suhe lothoze muze (my brother's team) all of the children on which were stepra boze [units of white surface=white kids] and atre ragu stepra geze [the other team, all of the kids on which were units of black surface=black kids], and it strikes me as perfectly suited to the sort of thought which I allowed it to represent: Thohe chalahe mu rawu medhasre japewebrre Pablo Honey, Radiohead-ze. Ji todo raue lofe "vu gu zi 'fuckin'' witu" mu rathe juthig plahe muze ralilohano nohe ragu niseze nahe ramotra motrafabrre mun ralu^kanocha ko thuze Thohe muze ragu bi. mu raka football-te lothoze muze suhe nuze ragu stepra boze, atrehe ragu stepra geze. tohe lothoze muze ragu fecheze, he tohe atredhe me ragu su he lothoze muze rapakele. un sosa geze rastu pisi "fuck off" sate lejize he nu rawu tri jopubrre Mu rapre pa opubrre muze he wetaze itize. no gu getuze he ja-ze. no gu traza stedhe fiklo stidhe gu fone, fiklo gu kanochene he wochene subetha pidhe todo visadhe nudhe gu sentidhe va, spo pihe rogeze gu pa itibrre "romantic" mutre wirudeme pa getuze he jaze assumptions: ge-black bo-white atre-other lotho-brother mu-I no,na,nu-he she it [not necessarily in that order] vu-you gu-to be ka- to go tho-day he- and su-team, grop iti-enough[???] pa-not[?] bi-good[?] affixes: ra-past tense -ze forms an adjective [plural=za] -brre forms an adverb [plu=brra] -he nominative -dhe genitive i remember that words that began in r and the next 1 or more consonants were l are compound tenses [eg. ralilohano, ralu^kanocha] I have only suceeded in translating a small part of these entries and most of this is assumption. luckily I was writing in a very redundant style, and therefore i was able to make out many of the cases I remember existing. adjectives seem to agree in case with their nouns. also many words dont seem to follow the basic phonological pattern I'd set down [eg. mun, juthig, filklo] and now that i take a good look at it It seems that the language was capable of multiple case markings ["fiklo gu kanoCHE-NE he woCHE-NE"]tho i know what neither of these suffices mean. I wonder if it would be possible for anyone but I to uncover anything about this language. I know only that theres reason to believe that one of the passages concerned an art project regarding romanticism. I fear that as I have come as far as possible given what I have to work with. pacs precs Joe Mondello