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Re: C-IPA underlying principles and methods

From:Stephen Mulraney <ataltanie@...>
Date:Saturday, March 1, 2003, 23:54
 > >Christophe Grandsire wrote:

 > >Well, in my booklet of Basque Basque |s| is Spanish |s| and Basque |z|
 > >is French |s|. And I don't think the French |s| is dental (I pronounce
 > >it clearly alveolar). And I normally don't hear the difference between
 > >the French and the Spanish |s|.

 >Isaac A. Penzev wrote:

 >Hmm. Strange. I CAN hear the difference between French |s| (which
 >is the same as in Russian) and Spanish |s| (which is the same as
 >in English). And I clearly perceive French (and Russian) |s| as
 >dental, and English (and Spanish) one as alveolar. Can it be a case
 >of disagreement in *terms* between different linguistic schools?
 >For the Russian school (acc. to Dr.Scherba) says that [T] and [s_d]
 >constitute *different* POAs! [T] is NOT dental acc. to Dr.Scherba! It's
 >*inter*-dental, while [s_d] is

Certainly, a "front tongue" (apico-dental) [T] is possible. It's how
they occur in my speech. To my ear (entirely subjective, of course), it
sounds very much like interdental [T]. I think that [s_d] has a somewhat
different tongue shape, similar to how [\s] differs from [s] (as far as
I can tell, all of [T], [s], [s_d] and [\s] use apical articulation,
but the final two have some laminar quality too. Enlightenment would be
appreciated - the difference between various "hissing" and "hushing"
sounds has been weighing on me lately ;) )


C'est magnifique,  mais ce n'est pas l'Informatique.  ||  Bosquet, on seeing the IBM 4341
Stephen Mulraney~   e::ataltane at ataltane dot net~