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Re: Has anyone made a real conlang?

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 22, 2003, 9:28
En réponse à Andrew Nowicki :
>It seems to me that most of the languages discussed >in this mailing list are not languages at all, but >names of languages that exist only in the imagination >of the person who invented the names. I doubt a >language can be used for simple everyday communication >unless it has a vocabulary of at least 1000 words. >Has anyone in this mailing list made a real conlang?
Well, I was wondering how long it would take to Andrew to show again his arrogance and his complete disrespect towards us ;))) . I guess it didn't take that long... But as for Conlangs that are big enough for everyday communication: Teonaht, Kerno, Brithenig, Denden, Ilaini, Tokana, Tepa (sorry, but I can't spell the new name :(( ), Keleñ, my own Moten, have all enough vocabulary for everyday communication (although my Moten lacks some things, it is so also because of its concultural background). And that's only a small sample of such "real" conlangs. Also, not all conlangs worth mentioning are fully presented on the web. And your accusation about Langmaker is so stupid that I cannot even take it seriously! If anything, the figures in Langmaker are *more* correct than anything else that you can come up with, since they include everything the author made, including what they write on paper. And most of us prefer using paper and pen, or don't put our entire dictionaries on Internet just because in your strange vision of the world anything that you cannot check doesn't exist. The rest is not worth a reply, but I think you need to apologize for your incorrect comments that you tried to put on us as universal truth. Like we say in French: "Tourne 7 fois ta langue dans ta bouche avant de parler". In other words: check your facts before saying anything. Last time you were on this list, it was your problem too. We'd think you had learned your lesson... Christophe Grandsire. You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.


Dirk Elzinga <dirk_elzinga@...>