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Re: Laadan was Re: Posession

From:Doug Dee <amateurlinguist@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 20, 2003, 23:55
In a message dated 5/20/2003 6:14:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
stonegordonssen@HOTMAIL.COM writes:

> >It's a feature of Navajo, I think, so it's not as if she independently > >decided that it was ugly enough for use as a pejorative > >morphophonaestheme[1]. > > From what little I know of Navajo, I don't believe it has any relation to > specifying something as bad (or good) in Navajo. But how is this any worse > than having no /g/ or /k/ or /s/ in a language intended for broad use on > Earth? >
In the Laadan grammar S.H.E. says that the pejorative use of "Lh" is "patterned after a similar feature of Navajo, and is something so very handy that I have always wished it existed in English." That confirms that Navajo was the inspiration, but doesn't tell us how the "similar feature" works in that language. I have to say I was surprised by the level of hostility towards Laadan exhibited during the previous conlang discussion on the subject. Few other languages have produced such heat here. Doug


Sally Caves <scaves@...>