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Re: Laadan was Re: Posession

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 21, 2003, 4:51
Yeah, I don't quite understand it either. My only criticism of LAadan is that it is
meant for women when it should be meant for men and women and children. If it
is meant to raise consciousness about language and humanity, include vocabulary
and structure that emphasize the personal and de-emphasize hegemonies and
certainty principles, then why not devote it to everyone? I think women have
been excluded enough as it is. Why put them in yet another secret club where
MEN are excluded? I think this may be the source of some of the hostility on
this list.

Her novels I couldn't stand. I couldn't finish even the first one in her trilogy,
her drawling style annoyed me so much, along with her patent hostility towards
men. Atwood was so much better at writing a dystopia about gender brutality.
Not surprising; she's a master at language, whereas S.H.E. is a master of the
science of language.

But LAadan interests me immensely.

When was the first conlang discussion of LAadan that you refer to?
Sally Caves
Eskkoat ol ai sendran, rohsan nuehra celyil takrem bomai nakuo.
"My shadow follows me, putting strange, new roses into the world."

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Doug Dee 

 I have to say I was surprised by the level of hostility towards Laadan
exhibited during the previous conlang discussion on the subject. Few other
languages have produced such heat here.



Adam Walker <carrajena@...>