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Re: Passover/Easter (was: Italogallic in Zera,and other languages.)

From:Lars Henrik Mathiesen <thorinn@...>
Date:Friday, April 28, 2000, 10:19
> Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 22:15:33 +0100 > From: Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>
> [...] things to do with Easter are often referred to as 'Pascal' in > the liturgy of my Church[.]
And then there's the Scandinavian term for Easter: Swedish påsk, Danish påske (presumably from older /pa:sk@/, note vowel length). Not to mention Pentecost -> Danish pinse (not sure about the Swedish, but this is probably from German Pfingst), and Christmas -> jul. Lars Mathiesen (U of Copenhagen CS Dep) <thorinn@...> (Humour NOT marked)