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Re: diachrony

From:Kvasir - Vaijskä <kvasir@...>
Date:Friday, July 27, 2001, 17:18
I'm not an expert on telling the difference between proto and later langs, but
as i was developping my vocab. i kept in mind with the history of the country.
it was more like a compromise between fitting the language with the history and
fitting the history consistant the language.

Here's how i did mine: (If you read up a bit on fyksland's history, my example
will make some sense...)

check out the history of Fyksland at

For example, in the earlier days i drew lots of vocab and structure and even
the alphabet from finnish. I later justified the fact by saying that the
vikings brought with them finnish slaves to the island etc... As an english
speaker i couldn't help but draw on english vocab too. So i justify the fact by
having people from the british isles carrying with them Old English migrating
to the island. Later i found dutch and other scandinavian languages very
appealing so i justified it by saying that the ppl were ruled by norwegians and
danish and later dutch who influenced the vocabulary.

After all that... i looked at my lang and say hmm it looks too much like a bit
of everything... so recently one of my project is to "germanicize" the language
so that it loses some of that archaic, finnish flavour.


--- O'Connell James <jamestomas2@...> wrote:
> As I have developed the history of my culture, I have > started to see just how static Elenyo is - and more to > the point, how difficult it would be to create > languages related to itat different stages > realistically. > I need some help with the dachrony therefore - how do > imake realistic changes, except for, for example, > changing letters that exist in the protolang but not > in the later lang. Just deciding that p > b wouldn't > make sense as both letters exist in both the proto- > and later lang. > Also, if I start with the protolang, how do I ensure > that the later lang will have the texture and beauty I > want it to have? > Hope someone here can help... > James > > > ____________________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Get your free address at > or your free address at
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