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Re: Workshops Review #4

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Saturday, January 11, 2003, 23:23
On 01/11 22:31  Isaac A. Penzev wrote:
> - a new idea - Bahasa Vijaya - a language of the Buddhist empire in Western > Pacific, with Singapore as its capital! and other alternative realities like > Swedish Philippines (Hi, I'm Bjorn Riksberg from Manilla!)
This reminds me of a date that has been suggested as significant in the age of Pacific exploration: 1433, the year that the Chinese decided that they were going to stay home after all. Imagine what could have happened if the Chinese had expanded first... - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus alias Mungo Foxburr of Loamsdown


Padraic Brown <elemtilas@...>