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Re: I'm back, sort of

From:M. Astrand <ysimiss@...>
Date:Sunday, September 28, 2003, 13:14
>Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 12:44:56 +0200 >From: Andreas Johansson <andjo@...> > >Just for masochism value, perhaps one should one day take the time to learn >Dutch properly?
Actually, not so long ago I met this nice South African who was kind enough to teach me some bits of Afrikaans...
> > Andreas
>Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 14:45:09 -0400 >From: Isidora Zamora <isidora@...> >Subject: Re: I'm back, sort of > >I think >some of the loan words into Danish that stand out as being English, may
>in fact from French or Latin.
And Greek (like "economy", I think).
>One thing that happened to me once while my >host family and I were sitting around the dinner table conversing is that >I >wanted to say something, but didn't know the Danish words for it. So I >asked, "How do you say 'economic depression' in Danish?" "Økonomisk >depression," came the answer. I didn't know whether to feel stupid or amazed.
Heh. :) You'd love to read scientific Finnish. I've seen a linguist write several times _eksperimentti_, which is on the other hand quite understandable, since the normal Finnish word for 'experiment' is so long and difficult: _koe_. But I'd better get off the soap box before I really start. :)
> >Isidora
- M. Astrand "Neeba." - "Teeba?" - "Qeesvefar la:lka." - "Djo:ly." "Guess what?" - "What?" - "I've learned how to speak." - "Great." _____________________________________________________________ Kuukausimaksuton nettiyhteys: Yli 12000 logoa ja soittoääntä: