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Re: CHAT: Let's hear it for English spelling

From:Douglas Koller, Latin & French <latinfrench@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 29, 2001, 20:53
Dirk wrote:

>On Fri, 25 May 2001, Frank George Valoczy wrote: > >> "newly tasty improved enhanced!" (this was on a tin of some >> Japanese soft drink; I can't remember which one, but I know >> it wasn't Pocari Sweat). > ^^^^^ >I hope that this is a typo; I could never drink anything called >'sweat' :-).
No, that's it. Obviously it wasn't meant to be marketed at the expats (though I think it's a subdivision of Coca-Cola). As others have mentioned, it's a Gatorade-y beverage -- boost those electrolytes and all. My fave was "Kalpis", which expats usually lambasted as "Cow Piss". It was a yoghurty flavored drink which you were supposed to mix with vodka-esque spirits. Brrrrr. Them's the stuff that hangovers are made of. And then there was the candy called "Doo Doo" 'cause that sounds cute to the Japanese ear. etc., etc., etc. Kou