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Starling song: Elet Anta

From:John Fisher <john@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 30, 1999, 0:14
Sorry I missed the translation relay - I've been finding it impossible
to keep up with the list in the way it deserves...  However, here's an
Elet Anta version of Irina's song.

Hanleni halsen varyenan laynat
Daysinen verein idanla le listat
Havien hinla laziena forat
Culea rachleni arlea a chalat?

The song of the starlings speaks of heroic deeds
In the morning rain the heron does its laundry
In the night the lark worships the stars
Who sees the true nature of birds?

Spangye tanlinsu melon carawye cosusuma
Narg aprilye syathwa focosh shefisa
Ilyand laymuar avorn srinara
Lyen celeti tanliry' enusuma tasye?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dreaded interlinear:

Spangye      tanlinsu melon  carawye  cosusuma
starling+ATR sing+N   relate hero+ATR do+N+ACC

Narg  aprilye     syathwa  focosh shefisa
heron morning+ATR rain+ADV wash   clothes+ACC

Ilyand laymua    avorn   srinara
lark   night+ADV worship star+ACC

Lyen celeti   tanliry' enusuma    tasye?
who  perceive bird+ATR nature+ACC fact+ATR
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Which is a fairly literal translation.  "Carawye cosusu" could mean "The
deeds of heroes" as well, but I thought that would be okay.  I stuck to
"wash clothes" for "do laundry", even though the heron doesn't really
wash clothes because putting "feathers" (flenteva) would somehow miss
the feeling of "laundry".  To me the bird which worships the stars by
night would really have to be the nightingale (laytanlinic)...


John Fisher
Elet Anta website:
Drummond ro cleshfan merec; fanye litoc, inye litoc