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Re: Humans & Humanoids [WAS: Back!]

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Thursday, July 22, 1999, 6:30
On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Jim Grossmann wrote:

> > The humanoids live in my dreams, which are very vivid. I think that the > humanoids are real, and I've even written a grammar for their language. Am > I losing my mind? >
I wouldn't think so ;-).
> > In addition to being a conlanger, I am also a billionaire who has illegally > raised stolen babies in a secret warehouse to speak only my invented > languages. >
I like this one! Can I borrow a billion and carry it out?
> > CONCLUSION > > Other listers have already mentioned other possibilities, but I think you > get the idea. If we can imagine a language, we can imagine many scenarios > that could give it human or humanoid speakers. There's really no problem > with this. >
I think all this discussion finds its origin in the urge to explain the imaginary reality of our conlangs/concultures in terms of the actual reality. I've been on that track too, influenced by reading a lot of science fiction, but lately I've decided to just not bother (influenced by Irina ;-). While there are still remnants of my earlier urge to explain why Andal could exist, such as the account of the finds of manuscripts in the Taklamakan, I've recently decided to twist that by saying they came from Islam Akhun :-), and for the rest, I simply don't care much about scientific plausibility, preferring scholarly imagination...
> Maybe we should add something to the conlang code about degree of conculture > development? >
Wasn't there already a bit? Boudewijn Rempt |