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Re: Demotion of Pluto

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Thursday, August 31, 2006, 15:42

caeruleancentaur writes:
>... > 1. sénesântus < sênis, ancient; êsant-, being; -us, class of loquent > beings, i.e., the Ancient-One-Who-Is > The following five names are not derivative: > 2. aatêrus > 3. nêêrus > 4. sêêgïus > 5. percüus > 6. pûûsus
> 1. sénesântus; changed to sûûlas, sun-day > 2. mênas > 2. aatêras > 3. nêêras > 4. sêêgïas > 5. pêrcüas > 6. pûûsas
> 1. sûûles, sun > 2. mênes, moon > 2. aatêres, Mercury > 3. nêêres, Venus > 4. sêêgïes, Mars > 5. pêrcües, Jupiter > 6. pûûses, Saturn
... If you don't mind, I'd include this post in the weekly vocab data base. Tt's very well suited since the words are quite substantial for most conlangs, I think. I will myself let put them on my stack of vocab work and shall answer as soon as I invented all the words. If nothing changes, it will be posted again in about one year then (there are 51 weekly vocab posts already). **Henrik