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Demotion of Pluto

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Thursday, August 31, 2006, 15:13
With the recent demotion of Pluto to the status of a dwarf planet, I
was curious about how other conlangs/cultures name their planets, if
there are any.

In the Senjecan mythology, the one God revealed him/herself to each
of the six loquent peoples in a different way.  I have chosen to
call them "avatars."

1. sénesântus < sênis, ancient; êsant-, being; -us, class of loquent
beings, i.e., the Ancient-One-Who-Is
The following five names are not derivative:
2. aatêrus
3. nêêrus
4. sêêgïus
5. percüus
6. pûûsus

In the beginning the Senjecans did not have a seven-day week.
Rather the phases of the moon were used, a system a bit unwieldy
since the length of the phases can vary.  With an unscientific
cursory glance at the phases during 2006, I see that a phase can
last anywhere from six to eight days, so I used the above names for
the six days, adding one-day-extra and two-days-extra as names when
needed.  In this case, the class ending -as (abstract class) was
used.  The abstract class is used for the names of time periods,
such as days, months, etc.  Thus, e.g., aatêrus becomes aatêras.
When the humans "invented" the seven-day week, the Senjecans added
moon day to make seven days, giving:
1. sénesântus; changed to sûûlas, sun-day
2. mênas
2. aatêras
3. nêêras
4. sêêgïas
5. pêrcüas
6. pûûsas

But before this happened, the Senjecans were already aware of the
planetary bodies, at least the five visible ones.  In this case, the
names are put in the -es class, the class of animate beings.  The
planets, like the sun & the moon, fire, wind, etc., are treated as
animate beings.  And so, the visible heavenly bodies are named:
1. sûûles, sun
2. mênes, moon
2. aatêres, Mercury
3. nêêres, Venus
4. sêêgïes, Mars
5. pêrcües, Jupiter
6. pûûses, Saturn
There is no reference to the sex of the Roman god(dess) involved.
They were unknown in the beginning.  Nêêrus and Sêêgïus happen to be
female avatars; the rest are male.

For those who would like to know the REAL story :-), these are from
2. aatêrus (God of the Children of Fire) < PIE âter-, Feuer (fire) >
atrium, atrocious
3. nêêrus <Goddess of the Children of Water) < PIE ner-, name of a
water god > Nereus (can't remember what Pokorny said in German)
4. sêêgïus (Goddess of the Children of Earth) < PIE seg-, säen (sow)
> segjâ, Göttin des Säens, goddess of sowing
5. percüus (God of the Children of Wood) < PIE perkwus, Eiche (oak)
> perkwunos, Donnergott, thunder God. I believe there is a
Lithuanian god by this name, but I can't remember how his name is spelled. 6. pûûsus (God of the Children of Stone) < PIE pâuson, pûson, Göttername (name of a god). I don't believe there are any reflexes of this word in the Germanic or Romance languages. Now for my inquiry!! If your conculture is Terran, how have you named the planets. If your conculture is not Terran, but your system does have planets, how have you named them? Charlie


Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@...>
Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@...>