>...> > "Svoystvo palacha nahoditsya pochti v kazdom sovremennom
> > cheloveke" - F. M.
Should be "Svoystvo palacha v zarodyshe nahoditsya pochti v kazdom
sovremennom cheloveke"
>...> Is that from the "Prestupleniye and Nakazaniye?" - shame on me, but all
> those Dostoyevsky novels are mammoth, hey, I can't remember about every
> quote...
It's from Zapiski Iz Mertvogo Doma (Jeez that looks odd in transliteration)
>...> Poka,
> Pavel
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> When you grasp the essence, you forget the words -Zhuang-zi
> He was jeopardizing his traditional rights of freedom and
> independence by daring to exercise them -Joseph Heller
> Pavel Iosad
> Student at: Lyceum 1535, 52 Usacheva str., Moscow, Russia
> Home: apt.113, 110 prospect Mira, Moscow, 129626 Russia
> E-mail: pavel_iosad@mail.ru
> ----------------------------------------------------------------