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Re: CHAT: Brithenig-heads

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Sunday, April 16, 2000, 0:54
>Well, if reding Greek mythology in Spanish, I would read "Jason y los >argonautas" as /ha"son ilos argo"nawtas/ (even if accent marks are >dropped). >But much probably if I see the name _Jason_ applied to a modern person >(and >I don't know his nationality) I would probably think in /"dZejson/ (or >more >closed to my Spanish phonology: /"j\ejson/, where /j\/ is a voiced palatal >fricative).
The way my teacher was saying it, his name seemed to have this "Arabic" quality about it. Probably because to me, it's close sounding to "Hussein" (not exactly, but you get what i'm saying, i hope). ________________________________________________ The rattan basket criticizes the palm leaf basket, still both are full of holes.