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Re: CHAT: Brithenig-heads

From:Matthew F Funke <mff@...>
Date:Thursday, April 13, 2000, 19:57
> The names we give ourselves give us identity. Men seem to be more > satisfied with their names than women. Comments?
I have to disagree, at least in my case. I *really* dislike my given name, Matthew -- it sounds nasal and pinched to me. I prefer the nickname I was given in Russian classes, and which I've managed to keep in a few social circles (Nikolai); it sounds much more intriguing, having elements of culture with a few rough edges. If it's worth anything, though, my fiancee prefers her middle name to her first. -- Lurking in the Shadows, "Nikolai" ( Goth.Code 4.0 zUibba3baWabaaaaLbaa75KxARUSvacnmeiybZan3FmaH17T1aGbZueaqiq 5eedO#di1hbjrpk6!RpsEbacRZUFaaaicaeusnh