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Re: OT: Offlist vs Offtopic (was Re: Galactic Year: (was: Re: Reviving an old tradition))

From:Keith Gaughan <kmgaughan@...>
Date:Tuesday, February 14, 2006, 8:14
Jeffrey Jones wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 02:19:18 +0100, Henrik Theiling <theiling@...> > wrote: > >> Hi! >> >> Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...> writes: >>> On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 16:49:21 -0500, Henrik Theiling >>> <theiling@...> wrote: >>> ... >>>> Please remove the OFFLIST tag from the subject line when replying to >>>> this thread, since this is obviously onlist. >>>> >>>> Alternatively, if you want to send something OFFLIST, do not send it >>>> to the conlang list. >>> I think there may a confusion evident between the terms Off List and >>> Off Topic. >>> >>> Off List means not transmitted via the list, whether it's on topic or > not. >>> Off Topic means not related to conlanging, and is obviously only a >>> relevant marker if the message is sent via the list. >> And it should be noted that the filtering of off-topic messages only >> works if you use OT: (in words: 'oh tee colon') in the subject line. >> Exactly that. Any other tag is just a piece of text to the machine, >> and will not enable people of filtering. >> >> Anyway, in this case, I think the issue was probably using the Yahoo >> interface. It is well-known to cause trouble, and I think it was >> mentioned here, among other things, that it sent messages to the list >> although marked for private delivery. >> >> So I repeat myself: do not use the Yahoo interface. Use the email >> interface or the interface. > > The brown interface doesn't work! It sends private messages to the list!
But that's what it's for. If you want to send private messages, send it directly to the people involved. But what Henrik is talking about is that the the Yahoo! interface is purely meant for archival purposes (something I personally think should be discontinued, but that's beside the point). People are not meant to subscribe to the list through it. K.


Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>