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Re: First report on Conm

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 26, 2003, 19:58
Quoting Rachel Klippenstein <estel_telcontar@...>:

> --- Andreas Johansson <andjo@...> wrote: > > > This right-handed European would consider using the > > fork with your right hand > > to be a left-handed thing to do, _even_ if you ate > > with only a fork. > > > Andreas > > I, as an oddity, contradict both the North American > and European eating-handedness norms by always using > my fork in my right hand and my knofe in my left- I > don't switch- and I'm otherwise quite righthanded. I > can write painstakingly with my left hand, because I > practiced endlessly as a kid (still do from time to > time). Oh, and there are also some computer games > where I use my left hand on the keyboard, whild using > my right hand on the mouse to "pause" by clicking the > menu bar, squirming around > "can't-see-the-game-while-paused" intentions of the > programmers.
Keyboards don't count; they're made for being handled with both hands. When I play the Civilization series games (the only computer games I play much these days), I my right hand is switching 'tween the numeric keypad and the mouse, whereas my left hoovers around the alphanumeric keypad, ready to unleash all hell on the poor AIs via various key-combo commands. Interstingly, I end turns buy clicking on the numeric Enter with my right little finger, whereas my little brother clicks on space with either thumb. Andreas, Civ Geek