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Re: Kench & Para-British, was Re: Missing Listmembers...

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 11, 2000, 23:19
> >I do wonder about this fascination with romancelangs though... Why >aren't "germanic language X (X not being English) develops like a >romance-lang" more widespread, or norse-celtic or gothic-sanskrit or >farsi-japanese, uhm... >
Well, I just like the Romance langs. Also, the only languages other than English that I have had any instruction in are Spanish, and Tagalog (which inspired Saalangal). I have maybe a years worth of German in middle school, but i've forgotten just about everything about it. Also, while the Germanic langs are interesting, theyre just not my bag ;). Maybe if I read more on their histories, it may spark that conlanging fire. Who knows? :) (I didnt think i'd ever tackle a romance lang several months ago, so, if I can be sparked to work on a Romance Lang, then perhaps i can be sparked to start on a Germanic lang)