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Re: Kench & Para-British, was Re: Missing Listmembers...

From:Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 11, 2000, 20:14
On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, taliesin the storyteller wrote:

> I do wonder about this fascination with romancelangs though... Why > aren't "germanic language X (X not being English) develops like a > romance-lang" more widespread, or norse-celtic or gothic-sanskrit or > farsi-japanese, uhm...
Maybe romancelangs are better known to this sample of conlangers, or more aesthetic? I still hope to come up with a German-Japanese hybrid someday but it'll have to wait until I learn more German, and learn Japanese, period. (If I had any money, which I don't, I'd almost pay some happy conlanger to do it for me, if they'd give me permission to use snippets of it in a sf novel I've worked on intermittently.) The only language I'm personally fluent enough in to try messing with in English. :-/ My Korean, French and German just aren't that good. Also, for a con-Romancelang, which does sound fun, I'd have to learn Latin. (Right now I'm trying to decide whether to take Intro to Phonetics & Phonology next semester--iffy because I haven't taken and due to math *can't* take Linguistics 101, but I've read both its textbooks--or Intensive Latin. Wonderful courses, tough decision...) <looking around> *Have* others done con-non-Romance-langs in their own favored/native tongues? YHL