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Re: Telek Webpage

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Sunday, October 8, 2000, 23:38
On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Jörg Rhiemeier wrote:

>Marcus Smith wrote: >> >> Hey all, >> >> I decided to announce the webpage for Telek. It is in a *very* unfinished >> state right now. There is an incomplete glossary and a small discussion of >> some phonology including pitch-accent and the phonemes, but I haven't added >> the material about syllable structure yet. There is no syntax, but there >> is some morphology, simply because it is necessary for the discussion of >> pitch-accent. >> >> There is also a picture and a short blurb about me, for anyone who is >> interested. >> >> URL: > >Har, har. We have little need to a flashy titlepage which leads to >a list of dead links. > >It would make more sense to first build the pages, and *then* announce >them.
By God, you must be Jesus H. Christ's twin brother: a Perfect Man. You just love jumping on people when they don't provide you with a perfect piece for examination. If you'd paid attention at all, you'd note that exactly what Marc says he's put up is actually there: a picture of himself, a short blurb about himself, a glossary and a discussion of phonology and accent. Which by the way are quite nice [I appreciate in others' conlanging efforts the time taken in doing up the phonology, with IPA and everything. I've never really done that for any of mine, cos I hate phonology and have little patience in figuring out what everything is supposed to sound like in different environments.] Also, broken links are a fact of life in website design. Sure it would have been nice if Marc had put up a little more than he did before announcing the site; but it's there now. C'est la vie. You can either say something constructive about what's there or you can bitch about what ain't. So get off your high horse before you fall. Or at least lower your nose so you can see what's in front of you. I agree with you 100%, though, that the opening page is not necessary, and is a bit of a bother to have to click through. If I were him, I'd drop it, and alter the banners to add the byline. Or turn the title page into a general overview / introduction of the language, any culture attached, etc. My only other gripe is on the glossary.html page, where the first letter is " ' "; I passed over the whole glossary first time mistakenly thinking there wasn't anything there. Then I noticed that the " ' " was in fact a link. It might be a nice idea on that particular page to list the letters of Telek's alphabet as links rather than having to click through each and every of 28 dictionary pages to get to "yy". For example, the list could be set up like this: ' | A | AA | B | D | etc.; and it would only be a matter of clicking on the letter you want to see. Also, if it's not too much trouble, I like seeing an English-Conlang lexicon. This would be very handy for anyone who passes by to find a word. Though your dictionary is small now, it will grow. Padraic.