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Who wants some conlang audio? Yeah, I thought you did.

From:Thomas Leigh <thomas@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 21:01
So I took a break from fretting about Rozhendi and Burgenian to
work a bit on my ongoing and eternally-unfinished project of
properly documenting my four old languages on the web, i.e.
typing up all my old handwritten stuff which I never have time
to do. I managed to complete the grammar section for Jafo and
Tesawa (i.e. everything I had written out is up there), and I
got the Choba and Osë translations of "The North Wind and The
Sun" up too.

Then I decided to sit down and do something I've been meaning to
do for ages, namely create audio samples. I recorded myself
reading "The North Wind and The Sun" in all four languages, and
uploaded the results to my web site. Anyone who would like to
listen is invited to go to -- choose the
language you want to hear, then click on the link that says
"texts". The audio files are in MP3 format.



Sally Caves <scaves@...>
M.S. Soderquist <mia@...>