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OT: First text in Agsem

From:Patrick Dunn <tb0pwd1@...>
Date:Thursday, February 3, 2000, 6:27
First, let me say I *hate* the name Agsem for this language.  Got to come
up with something better.

It's the beginning of the first text written in Agsem, called "A Sefer da
Caos Prim" or "The Book of the Primal Chaos."  Pronounciation is as in
classical latin -- [v] is /w/ and [j] is /j/.  [tj] is pronounced like the
ch in church.  [c] and [g] are always hard.

cod es a ingenjo da caos prim?  cod es essemhu?  a caos prim jiconsiss de
copjaj infinitaj lacamendajce.  erjjo id es placid, ci a copjaj jilacamu
b'aljaljo va una copja jidel et alja.  a caos, erjo, es ce laco sanano,
sed cando homo jiting et majm min is, a majm jincip l'ajstu va le feru ba
tingetor.  id jibacas le haja.  ze, erjo, es a ingenjo da caos, ut jihab
et tant bacasende-le-jhaja ut no jiposs le haja et nulo.  ejo et
cajstjota, respondti, primo.

cod da secundo cajstjo: cod es a essem da caos prim?  a essem de caos es a
res et-cod nos nimov cando nifac et majic.  otid a stulti jinominujid
<<impeto>>; sed a sapjenes jijadavjid.  cod jihab eta-jesser d'id?  No a
impeto, ci a impeto no jiposs l'es moveno per a men.  rac un res es moven
per a men -- a sentja.  erjo, a res et-cod nimov cando nifac et majic es a
sentja, va a sentja es a essem da caos prim.  cando nifac et majic, nos
niting eta gutta min il laco senano, va nos nigohojam ut jihaja-na et-cod
nibacas.  ze's lonsanu.

a sentja, erjo, es a res de caos, no d'ordo.  a stulti, jicredu-na ut a
sentja es d'ordo, ut ea es ordinana.  nos nijadav eta-vero.

ec, erjo, jiting homo in a laco da caos prim?  tideb le haja ce a caos --
sanan placidce sed malle com bacasende-le-haja.  po's lonsa.  temal-na
et-menta com elefaj macasafaj.  gufta jiras-na va jitrem-na.  et-lingata,
tiliberjam va jidic-na et-col de verbi.  Menta, an, jihaja sanan cra per
lacamende.  ba puncto, nu tihab et men da caos va tiposs le fac et majic.
nu, be ze puncto, ajinta jobserfu-na et signo de volunnata va volunnata
jihaja cra vera. o a majo jiposs l'abalac et gufhu, va l'inalac eta-mundo
safelo o eta-mundo romo, ubi is jiposs le diss eta-arcani de majices
magnes.  o a majo, be ze puncto, jiposs le goho et sades animajce.  o a
majo jiposs l'invoc et deo le habit b'is inet tempo parvo.  et-col de alle
reses, majo jiposs le fac, cando is es ba stato de men de caos.


What is the nature of the primal chaos?  What is its essence (lit. bone)?
The primal chaos conssits of infinate and contending forces.  Therefore,
it is still, because the forces fight against each other, and one force
cancels another.  The chaos, therefore, is like a quiet lake, but when one
dips water from it, the water begins to boil and to seethe in the dipper.
It wants to become.  This, then, is the nature of chaos, that has so much
wanting-to-become that it cannot become anything.  I have answered your
first question.

What of the second question: what is the essence of the primal chaos?  The
essence of chaos is the thing which we move when we do magic.  It, the
foolish name "energy"; but the wise know it.  What has the form (quality,
nature) of it?  Not energy, because energy cannot be moved by the mind.
Only one thing is moved by the mind -- information.  Therefore, the thing
which we move when we do magic is information, and information is the
essence of the primal chaos.  When we do magic, we dip a drop out of that
quiet lake, and we command it that it becomes what we want.  This is our

Energy, therefore, is the thing of chaos, not of order.  Let the foolish
belive that information is of order, that it is arranged.  We know the

How, then, does one dip into the lake of primal chaos?  You must become
like the chaos -- quiet and still but full of wanting-to-become.  Here is
power.  Fill your mind with a thousand (i.e. many) thoughts.  Let your
body shake and tremble.  Free your tongue, and let it speak all words.
Your mind, then, will become quiet through contention.  In the moment, now
you have the mind of the chaos and you can do magic.  Now, in this moment,
let your eyes observe a symbol of your will, and your will will become
true.  Or, a mage can go out of his body, and go into the lower world or
the upper world, where he can learn the secrets of great magics.  Or the
mage, in this moment, can command demons and spirits.  Or the mage can
invoke a god to dwell within him for a short time.  All of these things, a
mage can do, when he is in the state of the mind of chaos.