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Re: Con-phonologies (was: Zaik! (Hi there!) - Description of Lyanjen)

From:Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>
Date:Friday, September 1, 2000, 19:15
At 4:08 pm -0500 31/8/00, Thomas R. Wier wrote:
>The former [conlangs as seen on this group] sees the result as a holistic >entity, complete in and of itself, whose >own existence justifies itself. The latter [auxlangs] sees the creation >as a teleological tool >to accomplish some end, say, world peace. >It often suggests the idea that the >details are unimportant as long as the goal is accomplished.
To some extent, I agree. Certainly IMO the worst conIALs IMHO owe many of their less desirable features to (a) the simplistic and naive single goal of world peace & apple pie for everyone (1), and (b) the lack of linguistic knowledge of their idealist founder(s). Indeed, it is, I genuinely believe, a sad fact that so often the idealism is in direct proportion to the lack of liguistic ability of its author. (1) Please not even think I do not consider world peace to be "a good thing" - I most certainly do. But one does not IMO do the ideal justice by thinking that there can be a simple panacea - quite the reverse. Peace has to be worked for. And as for language - IMHO it has little relevance to the question. For 30 years people in the six counties of Northern Ireland who share the same language engaged in civil strife; not so long ago the peoples of the Lebanon, all sharing a common language, were engaged in a bitter civil war; and not so long ago the peoples who spoke a single language, commonly called Serbo-Croat in the western word, engaged in some of the bloodiest "ethnic cleansing" seen in Europe since the demise of the Nazis.
>It is for this reason >that we see the bloody fields of the Esperanto Wars about structure, because >languages do not, and cannot, accomplish such a feat in the abstract without >a host of other sociological factors like a decent economy and political >stability, >factors which have little if anything to do with language.
Absolutely - quite agree. Switzerland with its four official languages seems to have got on quite peaceably for as long as anyone can remember. But we should not IMHO treat all conIALs the same - they are not. Some creators are very realistic and some have been liguists of some merit. IIRC Jespersen held three doctorates in the field of linguistics. He did _not_ in any way think the details unimportant - quite the contrary. And on our own list we have Leo Moser. His project began IIRC some thirty years ago; and no one can accuse Leo of overlooking details - quite the contrary. I never cease to admire the painstaking research he has done in the creation (still proceeding) of Acadon.
>So, yes, in the philosophical sense, all constructed languages are contrived >qua constructed languages. But practically speaking, auxlangs too often carry >about with them religious airs that confuse what the language is supposed to >be about in the first place:
Oh yes, as anyone who has at any time been on the AUXLANG list will know only too well. It's one reason I quit & have never felt the urge to rejoin. It is also BTW one reason my own 'briefscript' has gone so slowly. One (but only one) aim is that it could, in theory, serve as an IAL. But when I began the project - so very long ago - I did as primarily as an intellectual exercise. After being on AUXLANG for a time, I became alarmed lest, if I got it completed, some might take the thing seriously and promote it with all the blind fanaticism of conIAL extremists. But don't judge all conIALs the same. Thankfully, there are sane people like Jespersen & Leo Moser. Ray. ========================================= A mind which thinks at its own expense will always interfere with language. [J.G. Hamann 1760] =========================================