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Re: Tee-shirt

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Sunday, November 12, 2000, 3:49
> > Well, printing is supposed to start on Monday and I'm pretty sure > I have > > just about enough for the shirts, but I don't know if there's > enough > > funding left for me to complete the booklet of interlinears. Would > > people be like really really mad/sad if that couldn't happen? I > still > > have all the information for it, and could post it online or email > it to > > people so they could at least have it. > > > > Nicole
`- Btw, did you get the 'script' style Rokbeigalmki for the shirt on time? Or did you end up using the romanization? -Stephen (Steg) "i am tarzan from jungle you can be my friend i am jane and i love to ride an elephant"