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Ideas for Beddel-shaedhem

From:Clint Jackson Baker <litrex1@...>
Date:Saturday, August 17, 2002, 20:18
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I should be working more on
Káyasánoda so I can get the site up.  But an idea
struck me out of nowhere yesterday that would work
great for Beddel-shaedhem (a lang that looks like OE
or Icelandic without necessarily borrowing much from
them).  I had long thought of the use of auxiliary
verbs, and how in this lang they would have much more
the feel of a clitic, ie no meaning independent of the
verbal phrase, unlike auxiliaries in English.  Then
yesterday in a conversation I had, I came up with a
rather striking reliationship between "to do", "to
be", and "to have".  I thought of them as having
active, passive, and middle voices, respectively.  So
I thought that in B-sh, there would be one verb for
all three, just conjugated differently.  Then, to
serve their functions in a verb, they would become the
*endings* of the verbs.

Let me make up some nonce examples to illustrate.
(I'll keep them as close to English as possible while
still fulfilling B-sh phonological requirements.

Let's say this superverb is, gaen /g{n/
Active: gae /g{/
Middle: gay /gai/
Passive: gey /gei/

Ey gae oen taensem.
I do a dance.

Ey gay oen taensem.
I have a dance. (I know how to do a dance.)

Ey gey oen taensem-beddel.
I am a dancer. (I am a dance-person.)

Gebben = "give" forms

Ey gebae oen boccem.
I give a book.

Ey gebay oen boccem.
I have a book [which may be given in the future.]

Ey gebey oen boccem.
I received a book.  I was given a book.

How does this look to everyone?  Is it clear enough?

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