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Re: vowel scheme for new language

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Friday, May 21, 1999, 16:31
Mathias wrote:

> > I find it interesting that Pablo restricted "yu" without known reason. >
I really don't have a clue why I did it -- but now=20 it's allowed anyway. In an early stage of the language I found that I was also unconsciously avoiding some other things, particularly initial fricative + stop clusters, except s- + stop, which was undoubtedly English influence. Nowadays I have Drasel=E9q words like _fqen_, _ft=F2g_, _thkelsen_, _thp=E0sen_, etc. (voiced fricatives are not allowed in this case). Now _fqen_ is not very "flowing" as I said I liked -- but it's there.